Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import functools
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import List, Optional

import mincepy
import cmd2.constants
import cmd2.plugin
import cmd2.utils

import pyos
from pyos import db
from pyos import os as pos
from pyos import version
from . import constants
from . import utils

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = 'PyosShell', 'mod'

[docs]def mod() -> str: """Get the message of the day string""" banner_lines = version.LOGO.split('\n') max_line_length = max(map(len, banner_lines)) second_column = [ '', 'Documentation:', '', '', f'Powered by mincePy (v{mincepy.__version__})', # pylint: disable=no-member, f'Version {version.__version__}' ] second_column.extend([''] * (len(banner_lines) - len(second_column))) message = [] for banner, info in zip(banner_lines, second_column): fmt_string = f'{{:<{max_line_length}}} | {{}}' message.append(fmt_string.format(banner, info)) message.append('\n') return '\n'.join(message)
[docs]class PyosShell(cmd2.Cmd): """The pyOS shell""" def __init__(self, startup_script='', startup_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_intro=False): hist_path = os.path.join(utils.get_app_dir(), constants.HISTORY_FILE) startup_script = startup_script or os.path.join(utils.get_app_dir(), constants.STARTUP_FILE) super().__init__(startup_script=startup_script, allow_cli_args=False, use_ipython=True, persistent_history_file=hist_path) if startup_commands: self._startup_commands.extend(startup_commands) for cmd_set in utils.plugins_get_commands(): self.register_command_set(cmd_set) self.default_to_shell = True if not skip_intro: self.intro = mod() self._update_prompt() self.register_cmdfinalization_hook(self.command_finalise)
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, *cmd, **kwarg): """Run the passed commands and return""" init_args = dict(skip_intro=True) init_args.update(kwarg) cmd = list(cmd) + ['quit'] init_args['startup_commands'] = cmd app = PyosShell(**init_args) app.cmdloop()
def command_finalise( self, data: cmd2.plugin.CommandFinalizationData) -> cmd2.plugin.CommandFinalizationData: self._update_prompt() return data def _update_prompt(self): try: historian = db.get_historian() except RuntimeError: # Happens when there is a global historian but pyos.db.init() hasn't been called historian = None if historian is None: self.prompt = '[not connected]$ ' else: self.prompt = f'{pos.getcwd()}$ ' def _redirect_output(self, statement: cmd2.Statement) -> cmd2.utils.RedirectionSavedState: if statement.pipe_to: # Initialize the redirection saved state saved = self._create_redirection_save() _LOGGER.debug('Attempting piped command:\n' '%s\n' 'stdin=%s, stdout=%s', statement.pipe_to, saved.saved_sys_stdin, saved.saved_self_stdout) funcs = [] for part in statement.pipe_to.split(cmd2.constants.REDIRECTION_PIPE): # Parse the command # Whitespace (especially at beginning) confuses parsing to statement part = part.strip() part_statement = self._input_line_to_statement(part) funcs.append(functools.partial(self.onecmd, part_statement)) thread_proc = utils.Piper(funcs, out_stream=self.stdout) self.stdout = thread_proc.out_redirector self.stdin = thread_proc.in_redirector saved.redirecting = True try: self._cur_pipe_proc_reader = thread_proc self._redirecting = True thread_proc.start() except Exception: # Shut down the full pipe thread_proc.shutdown(wait=True) # Restore the default streams self._restore_output(statement, saved) raise return saved return super()._redirect_output(statement) # Preserve quotes since we are passing these strings to the shell
[docs] @cmd2.with_argparser(cmd2.Cmd.shell_parser, preserve_quotes=True) def do_shell(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Execute a command as if at the OS prompt""" # Create a list of arguments to shell tokens = [args.command] + args.command_args # Expand ~ where needed cmd2.utils.expand_user_in_tokens(tokens) expanded_command = ' '.join(tokens) # Prevent KeyboardInterrupts while in the shell process. The shell process will # still receive the SIGINT since it is in the same process group as us. with self.sigint_protection: # For any stream that is a StdSim, we will use a pipe so we can capture its output kwargs = dict( stdin=sys.stdin if self._redirecting else None, # Pass standard input if redirecting stdout=subprocess.PIPE if isinstance(self.stdout, cmd2.utils.StdSim) else self.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE if isinstance(sys.stderr, cmd2.utils.StdSim) else sys.stderr, shell=True) _LOGGER.debug('Starting shell command: %s. Capturing stdin: %s', expanded_command, self._redirecting) with subprocess.Popen(expanded_command, **kwargs) as proc: proc_reader = cmd2.utils.ProcReader(proc, self.stdout, sys.stderr) proc_reader.wait() # Save the return code of the application for use in a pyscript self.last_result = proc.returncode
# Only include the do_ipy() method if IPython is available on the system if cmd2.cmd2.ipython_available: # pragma: no cover
[docs] @cmd2.with_argparser(cmd2.cmd2.Cmd.ipython_parser) def do_ipy(self, _: argparse.Namespace) -> Optional[bool]: """ Enter an interactive IPython shell :return: True if running of commands should stop """ from cmd2.py_bridge import PyBridge # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def load_ipy(cmd2_app: PyosShell, py_bridge: PyBridge): """ Embed an IPython shell in an environment that is restricted to only the variables in this function :param cmd2_app: instance of the cmd2 app :param py_bridge: a PyBridge """ # Create a variable pointing to py_bridge and name it using the value of py_bridge_name exec(f'{cmd2_app.py_bridge_name} = py_bridge') # pylint: disable=exec-used # Add self variable pointing to cmd2_app, if allowed if cmd2_app.self_in_py: exec('self = cmd2_app') # pylint: disable=exec-used # Delete these names from the environment so IPython can't use them del cmd2_app del py_bridge cmd2.cmd2.embed( banner1=('Entering an pyOS IPython shell. Type quit or <Ctrl>-d to exit.\n' 'Run Python code from external files with: run\n'), user_module=pyos.psh, exit_msg=f'Leaving IPython, back to {sys.argv[0]}') if self.in_pyscript(): self.perror('Recursively entering interactive Python shells is not allowed') else: try: self._in_py = True new_py_bridge = PyBridge(self) load_ipy(self, new_py_bridge) return new_py_bridge.stop finally: self._in_py = False return None
def _create_redirection_save(self): """Save the current state of the steams and members related to redirection""" return utils.RedirectionSavedState(self.stdout, sys.stdout, self.stdin, sys.stdin, self._cur_pipe_proc_reader, self._redirecting) def _restore_output(self, statement: cmd2.Statement, saved_redir_state: utils.RedirectionSavedState): """Handles restoring state after output redirection :param statement: Statement object which contains the parsed input from the user :param saved_redir_state: contains information needed to restore state data """ if saved_redir_state.redirecting: # If we redirected output to the clipboard if statement.output and not statement.output_to: # Fallback to default behaviour super()._restore_output(statement, saved_redir_state) else: # Check if we need to wait for the process being piped if self._cur_pipe_proc_reader is not None: self._cur_pipe_proc_reader.wait() self.stdout = saved_redir_state.saved_self_stdout sys.stdout = saved_redir_state.saved_sys_stdout self.stdin = saved_redir_state.saved_self_stdin sys.stdin = saved_redir_state.saved_sys_stdin self._cur_pipe_proc_reader = saved_redir_state.saved_pipe_proc_reader self._redirecting = saved_redir_state.saved_redirecting else: super()._restore_output(statement, saved_redir_state) if isinstance(saved_redir_state, utils.RedirectionSavedState): sys.stdin = saved_redir_state.saved_sys_stdin
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(PyosShell().cmdloop())