Quick Start

This is a quick introduction to PyOS, see the restaurants example for a more complete example.

from pyos.pyos import *
from mincepy.testing import Car
Welcome to

                  ____  ____
                 / __ \/ __ /
    ____  __  __/ / / / /_
   / __ \/ / / / / / /\__ \
  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /___/ /
 / .___/\__, /\____//____/
/_/    /____/                 v0.5.1

Our Car class has two members, make and colour, so let’s save a couple in the current directory:

ferrari = Car('ferrari', 'red')
save(ferrari, 'ferrari')
skoda = Car('skoda', 'green')
save(skoda, 'skoda')
ls -l ()
*  mincepy|Car  0  Apr 09 21:32  ferrari
*  mincepy|Car  0  Apr 09 21:32  skoda

Let’s have a look at the cars:

ls | cat
│ATTRS         │┌─┬──────┐              │
│              ││0│colour│              │
│              ││1│make  │              │
│              │└─┴──────┘              │
│IGNORE_MISSING│True                    │
│TYPE_ID       │5e075d6244572f823ed93274│
│colour        │red                     │
│make          │ferrari                 │
│obj_id        │5e8f78308ae3ac1077bfc304│
│ATTRS         │┌─┬──────┐              │
│              ││0│colour│              │
│              ││1│make  │              │
│              │└─┴──────┘              │
│IGNORE_MISSING│True                    │
│TYPE_ID       │5e075d6244572f823ed93274│
│colour        │green                   │
│make          │skoda                   │
│obj_id        │5e8f78308ae3ac1077bfc306│

We see some additional properties of the objects used to store them in the database but our colours and makes are there. Now, let’s move them to their own folder…

mv('ferrari', 'skoda', 'garage/')

…and set some metadata

meta -s ('garage/ferrari', reg='VD394') # '-s' for set
meta -s ('garage/skoda', reg='N317')
meta('garage/ferrari') # This gets our metadata
│reg       │VD394                   │
│_directory│/martin/garage/         │
│name      │ferrari                 │
│obj_id    │5e8f78308ae3ac1077bfc304│

The metadata can be used to search:

find(meta=dict(reg='VD394')) | locate

Finally, let’s clean up.

  rm -r ('garage/')