Welcome to pyOS’s documentation!

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pyOS: A fresh way to interact with your python objects as though they were files on your filesystem.


  • Familiar shell like interface: ls, mv, cat, rm but on your objects!

  • Powerful and fast find facility to locate and organise your python world.

  • Version control of all your objects by default.

  • Familiar flags from the shell e.g. ls (-l), cp(-n).

  • Easy pipe-like chaining e.g. find(meta=dict(name='martin')) | rm

Think of pyOS as a mixture between an ORM like Django or SQLAlchemy but where you can store any class by providing a simple mapper, from then on you interact with your objects as if they were files in a filesystem. Many of the familiar *nix commands are available (ls, mv, rm, tree, cat, find) except they take on a new, more powerful form because you’re in a fully fledged python environment!


Installation with pip:

pip install pyos

Installation from git:

# via pip
pip install https://github.com/muhrin/pyos/archive/master.zip

# manually
git clone https://github.com/muhrin/pyos.git
cd pyos
python setup.py install


Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/muhrin/pyos.git
cd pyos

Create a new virtualenv for pyOS:

virtualenv -p python3 pyos

Install all requirements for pyOS:

env/bin/pip install -e '.[dev]'

Table Of Contents


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